πŸŽ‰ Announcing Adaptive Cards 1.5

RTL, Text masking, ActionSet overflow, Tooltip for actions, and Table element!

Profile image of J.P. Roca

J.P. Roca

Β· 3 min read

We are excited to announce the release of Adaptive Cards 1.5!

This release contains some highly requested asks from our community as well as improvements to accessibility. One of our most requested features has been support for a Table element and we are happy to support this in Adaptive Cards 1.5!

New features

  1. RTL
  2. Input.Text Masking
  3. ActionSet Overflow
  4. Tooltip for Actions
  5. Tables
  6. Static Filtered ChoiceSet
  7. Action.isEnabled

A closer look

RTL Support

Right to left support will enable users from around the globe. Begining in 1.5, users will now be able to set this optional rtl boolean at the Adaptive Card, Container, and Column level.


Input.Text Masking

By setting style to password in Input.Text, card authors will now have the ability to mask text such as passwords.


ActionSet Overflow

The ActionSet Overflow flyout menu will allow card authors to provide additional actions on their card when limited space is available. This feature introduces the optional mode property to all action types. If this mode property is set to secondary for a given action, then a ... overflow menu will render next to the actions that are set to primary.


Tooltip for Actions

This feature will now allow card authors to specify text that should be displayed to the end user when they hover over an action. Narration software will also pick up on the text further improving our accessibility story. Text can be set using the tooltip property for actions.


πŸ†•Table ElementπŸ†•

The table element has been a highly requested feature and is now available in 1.5. This means that card authors will no longer need to nest ColumnSets to mimic table-like behavior and this new approach for tabular data is much more accessible. This new table element will have a concept of columns and rows working as you would expect it to. Note: advanced functionality like sorting and dynamic sizing is not supported in this initial release.


Static Filtered ChoiceSet

Input.ChoiceSet has been improved with the addition of a new style known as filtered. Setting the style to filtered will enable search and auto complete on the Input.ChoiceSet for a static list of choices.



All actions will now have a boolean isEnabled property that is initially set to true. Setting this property to false will both visually and functionaly disable the element associated with the action.


When can I use it?

These features are available today for you to test in our designer! We will keep working closely with our partners to ensure they can support this update as soon as possible. The Adaptive Cards community call and our partner status page are both great resources to find out when these updates are supported on different hosts.

Learn more

Check out the full release notes to learn more and get started!

Profile image of J.P. Roca

Program Manager at Microsoft working on Adaptive Cards!