Samples and Templates
These samples are just a teaser of the type of cards you can create. Go ahead and tweak them to make any scenario possible!
Important note about accessibility: In version 1.3 of the schema we introduced a label property on Inputs to improve accessibility. If the Host app you are targeting supports v1.3 you should use label instead of a TextBlock as seen in some samples below. Once most Host apps have updated to the latest version we will update the samples accordingly.
Templating enables the separation of data from the layout in an Adaptive Card. It helps design a card once, and then populate it with real data at runtime. Note: The binding syntax changed in May 2020. Get started with templating
Expense report sample
"code": "ER-13052",
"message": "success",
"created_by_name": "Matt Hidinger",
"created_date": "2019-07-15T18:33:12+0800",
"submitted_date": "2019-04-14T18:33:12+0800",
"creater_email": "",
"status": "Pending",
"status_url": "",
"approver": "Thomas",
"purpose": "Trip to UAE",
"approval_date": "2019-07-15T22:33:12+0800",
"approver": "Thomas",
"approver_email": "",
"other_submitter": "David",
"other_submitter_email": "",
"expenses": [
"expense_id": "16367000000083065",
"approver": "Thomas",
"date": "2017-02-21",
"description": "Air Travel Expense",
"created_by": "636965431200000000",
"created_by_name": "PATRICIA",
"employee_number": "E001",
"currency_id": "16367000000000097",
"currency_code": "USD",
"paid_through_account_id": "16367000000036003",
"paid_through_account_name": "Employee Reimbursements",
"bcy_total": 13900.79,
"bcy_subtotal": 13900.79,
"total": 300,
"total_without_tax": 300,
"is_billable": true,
"is_reimbursable": true,
"reference_number": "DD145",
"due_days": "Due in 15 days",
"merchant_id": "16367000000074027",
"merchant_name": "ABS Solutions",
"status": "approved",
"created_time": "2019-06-19T18:33:12+0800",
"last_modified_time": "2017-02-21T18:42:46+0530",
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"report_id": "16367000000083075",
"mileage_type": "non_mileage",
"report_name": "Purchase",
"is_receipt_only": false,
"distance": 0,
"per_diem_rate": 0,
"per_diem_days": 0,
"per_diem_id": "",
"per_diem_name": "",
"expense_type": "non_mileage",
"location": "Washington",
"receipt_type": "jpg",
"policy_violated": false,
"comments_count": 0,
"report_status": "submitted",
"price_precision": 2,
"mileage_rate": 0,
"mileage_unit": "km",
"receipt_status": "processed",
"is_uncategorized": false,
"is_expired": false,
"gl_code": "LG001",
"exchange_rate": 66.943366,
"start_reading": "",
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"payment_mode": "Check",
"customer_id": "27927000000075081",
"customer_name": "ACME Corp.",
"custom_fields": [
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"label": "Other Name",
"value": "Leg 1 on Tue, Jun 19th, 2019 at 6:00 AM."
"customfield_id": "16367000000277001",
"label": "Other Name",
"value": "Leg 2 on Tue, Jun 19th, 2019 at 7:15 PM."
"project_id": "27927000001243001",
"project_name": "Coffee Research",
"transaction_description": "",
"tax_id": "16367000000086001",
"tax_name": "Sales Tax",
"tax_percentage": 2,
"amount": 207.65,
"is_inclusive_tax": false,
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"policy_name": "LIC",
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"expense_id": "16367000000083065",
"date": "2019-06-19",
"description": "Auto Mobile Expense",
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"created_by_name": "PATRICIA",
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"paid_through_account_name": "Employee Reimbursements",
"bcy_total": 13900.79,
"bcy_subtotal": 13900.79,
"total": 100,
"total_without_tax": 100,
"is_billable": true,
"is_reimbursable": true,
"reference_number": "DD145",
"due_days": "Due in 15 days",
"merchant_id": "16367000000074027",
"merchant_name": "ABS Solutions",
"status": "submitted",
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"last_modified_time": "2017-02-21T18:42:46+0530",
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"distance": 0,
"per_diem_rate": 0,
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"expense_type": "non_mileage",
"location": "Washington",
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"payment_mode": "Check",
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"customer_name": "ACME Corp.",
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"label": "Other Name",
"value": " Contoso Car Rentrals, Tues 6/19 at 7:00 AM"
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"transaction_description": "",
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"expense_id": "16367000000083065",
"date": "2019-06-21",
"description": "Excess Baggage Cost",
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"created_by_name": "PATRICIA",
"employee_number": "E001",
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"paid_through_account_name": "Employee Reimbursements",
"bcy_total": 13900.79,
"bcy_subtotal": 13900.79,
"total": 50.38,
"total_without_tax": 4.3,
"is_billable": true,
"is_reimbursable": false,
"reference_number": "DD145",
"due_days": "Due in 15 days",
"merchant_id": "16367000000074027",
"merchant_name": "ABS Solutions",
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"per_diem_rate": 0,
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"payment_mode": "Check",
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"customer_name": "ACME Corp.",
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"version": "1.5",
"fallbackText": "This card requires Adaptive Cards v1.5 support to be rendered properly."